Author Guidelines

General Guidelines for the Manuscript

The general guidelines of the manuscript text are as follows:

  1. Please prepare your manuscript using the following guidelines and the JKBN: Jurnal Kepariwisataan & Budaya Nusantara article template.
  2. The manuscript should be a research-based article or literature review.
  3. A research-based article consists of: a). Title, b). Author's name, c). Author Affiliation, d). email, e). Abstract, f). Introduction, g). Methods, h). Results and Discussion, i). Conclusion, j). References.
  4. Literature review/research articles consist of: a). Title, b). Author's name, c). Author Affiliation, d). email, e). Abstract, e). Introduction, f). Discussion, g). Conclusion, h). References.
  5. Written in Indonesian or English.
  6. The article should consist of 10-20 pages.
  7. Written in Book Antiqua style, 11 font, 1.15 spacing, Letter size paper (with special margins: left and top 2.54 cm, right and bottom 2.54 cm).
  8. Manuscripts that do not comply with JKBN's writing guidelines will be returned to the author before the review process.
  9. The manuscript has never been published in other publication media and does not contain plagiarism.
  10. Reference management is recommended using Mendeley/Zotero.
  11. Article files must be provided in Microsoft Word format (.DOC or .DOCX). We currently do not accept other formats, such as PDF files.

Manuscripts must be submitted through the Online Submission System using the Open Journal System (OJS) on the JKBN: Jurnal Kepariwisataan & Budaya Nusantara, E-journal portal ( choosing only one procedure. Then, register yourself as one of the authors or reviewers in the “Register” section at the bottom.